bewegung brainbodyhacks energie ernährung gelassenheit hirndialoge produktivität tools

  • Brainbodyhack „Red Light“

    When using the Bodyhack “Red Light”, you can create a variety of positive reactions in the body, such as increased collagen production for healthy skin or reduction of inflammation, improved regeneration and deeper sleep for a healthy brain.


  • Brainbodyhack „Walnut Brain“

    The Brainhack “Walnut Brain” enables us to use our brain intelligently by improving our neurocognitive functions and doing good for our cholesterol and heart health.


  • Brainbodyhack „Produktivitäts-Prio“

    Using the Brainhack “Productivity Priority” you can increase your productivity as a smart brain user and use your time efficiently and in a brain-friendly way.


  • Brainbodyhack “Blueberry Brain”

    With the “Blueberry Brain” brain hack, we can become smart brain users by improving our neurocognitive functions and supporting neurogenesis, where new cells are formed in the brain.


  • Brainbodyhack „Cryo Cold“

    With the body hack “Cryo” you can create various positive effects for the body, such as reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system.


  • Brainbodyhack „Problem to Possibility“

    With the “Problem to Possibility” brain hack, a problem becomes a possibility. The smart brain user uses this hack in everyday life when faced with small inconveniences and problems.


  • Brainbodyhack „Happy Brainwaves“

    With the brain hack “Happy Brainwaves” you, as a smart brain user, can influence your brain waves so that you can operate your brain in an energy-saving mode and increase your subjective well-being.


  • Brainbodyhack „Breath Like Wim“

    With the “Breath Like Wim” body hack you can increase your energy levels and your focus.


  • Brainbodyhack „Klares Gespräch – Teil 3“

    With the brain hack “Clear Conversation – Part 3” you, as a smart brain user, can communicate more clearly and also understand those around you better by recognizing and questioning distortions.
