Your guide to a brain-friendly and healthy lifestyle

Gesundheit und Veränderung beginnen im Gehirn! Lerne, welche wissenschaftlich belegten Techniken uns helfen, zum smarten Gehirnbenutzer zu werden.

Maria Seltmann

Brain & Health Coach

The journey to become a smart brain user

Your brain is the starting point for health and change!

Why to care about brain- and bodyhacks?

Through brainbodyhacks lernen wir, welche wissenschaftlich belegten Techniken uns helfen, zum smarten Gehirnbenutzer zu werden, unser Gehirn also bestmöglichst einzusetzen. Dadurch können wir:

  • increase our productivity
  • trigger sustainable change
  • improve our well-being and health
  • and achieve big goals through small steps.

We optimize the brain and body by programming helpful thought patterns, habits and routines.

Über die Hacks erfährst Du an Dir selbst, wie das Gehirn funktioniert, welche Prozesse im Gehirn ablaufen und wie sich das im Körper äußert.
You will learn, how we are literally getting dumber under stress and what we can do about it with concrete and efficient tools.
Brain and body influence each other and thus we can use hacks for the body as well as for the brain to create the best environment for a productive, healthy and fulfilling life.

What exactly is a brainhack?

A brainhack influences the cognitive processes of the brain so that its resources can be optimally used and the best environment for learning and achieving goals is created.
We can actively shape our future when we learn which tools we can use to understand our brain better and transform ourselves into smart brain users.
As a result, we can experience positive changes, increase our productivity, improve our well-being and our health, and achieve big goals through small steps.
In the best case, we learn how we can unleash creativity, we experience a flow state, and develop towards our best self.