About me

Welcome to the world of Brain & Body Hacks!
My name is Maria Seltmann and as a Brain & Health Coach I will show you how to transform yourself into a smart brain user.

How I can help you

Gesundheit und Veränderung beginnen im Gehirn! Und brain-friendly lifestyle choices gelingt durch eine klare Zieldefinition in Kohärenz mit unseren Werten und die schrittweise Integration von leicht umsetzbaren brain- and bodyhacks.

I’ll show you scientifically proven techniques to initiate sustainable change and develop healthy routines, transforming you into a smart brain user. By doing so, we can enhance our productivity, well-being, and overall health, achieving significant goals through small steps.

brainbodyhacks help us to

  • Optimize our brain and body
  • Program helpful thought patterns, habits and routines
  • Identify triggers of stress and resources of energy
  • Realize our goals and fulfill our wishes

Transform yourself into your best self - step by step and hack by hack.

About me and my stance

As a certified health coach, agile coach and qualified computer scientist, I combine an analytical and scientific approach with practically applicable hacks and strategies for the body and brain. My passion for neurophysiology in combination with holistic health and knowledge of brain-friendly living have brought me enormous relief in everyday life and even in challenging situations. The combination of computer science and neuroscience is particularly exciting for me: we have programs running in our heads, sometimes they start consciously and sometimes unconsciously. We can identify these programs, eliminate errors, and install new programs and routines that help us program our everyday lives for health, success, and productivity.

Sharing these insights and helping people to make their lives easier, gives me great joy!

Primary and Further Education

TÜV certified Medletics Health Coach

The holistic training at the Medletics Academy transported deep, in-depth knowledge by several holistically thinking doctors and coaches on medical basics, training and nutritional sciences, psychology, regeneration, biochemical processes and blood values.
Above all, I was fascinated by the connections between the brain and the body and the neurobiological aspects: How does the brain work, how do I become a smart brain user, what processes take place in the brain and how does this manifest itself in the body? Why do we turn stupid when we are stressed and what can we specifically and effectively do about it?
By applying the content taught, I was able to help not only myself but also those around me to live a healthy, productive and brain-friendly lifestyle!

Agile Coach

I have several years of experience in individual coaching and coaching for teams in an agile environment. Agile transformations in particular benefit from brain-friendly design or can go terribly wrong if the neurobiological basics are not understood.
I have experienced and supported a wide variety of transformative and agile setups myself and have been able to experience both failed and successful change projects in the roles of Scrum Master, Product Owner, Tester, Release Train Engineer and Agile Coach.

Certified Practitioner of Applied Neuroscience

The basic training "Applied Neuroscience" offered by Eilert Akademie vermittelt ein umfangreiches Verständnis der Funktionellen Neuroanatomie und der zugrunde liegenden neurowissenschaftlichen Konzepte. Sie zeigt fundiert auf, which neuronal processes take place in the brain, was genau zu veränderten Bewusstseinszuständen führt, wie sich Gewohnheiten entwickeln, warum sie sich so schwer verändern lassen und what really supports change processes. Die Ausbildung vermittelt die Idee der bio-psycho-sozialen Wechselwirkungen und zeigt anhand der Psychoneuroimmunologie how mind, brain and body interact with each other and are partly dependent on each other.

Further certifications, activities and interests

My life is structured, but colorful and diverse and, above all, designed to be brain-friendly. The following is an excerpt of my activities and interests:

  • Brain Coach, Health Coach
  • Brain & Body Hacks Practitioner, Neuro-Nerd
  • Agile Coach, Learning Coach
  • Lifelong learner and book nerd
  • Clean-Eating Practitioner
  • SAFe Program Consultant
  • ISTQB certified tester, key expert test automation
  • Software developer, key developer expert
  • Master of Science in Computer Science and Multimedia
  • HIIT fan, on-off boulderer and salsa dancer
  • Hobby writer and contributor to the Springer book Agilität in Unternehmen
  • Member of the program committee at Manage Agile
  • Certified Practitioner of Applied Neuroscience

Trained, supported and inspired by a variety of great trainers, coaches and mentors, such as the docs and coaches of Medletics Academy, Marija Radtke, Robert Misch, Vera Baum, Kevlin Henney, LeadingX, Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte and many more.

What I believe in

I look at things from different perspectives and see possibilities and opportunities for development even in difficult situations. I believe in experiments and the power of small steps towards a brain-friendly lifestyle through the power combination of brain & body. I love learning, growing and using and supporting my body and brain in the best possible way. I strive to find efficient solutions to the problems of today's busy world.
