Brainbodyhack „Microworkouts“

When using the Brainbodyhack „microworkouts“ you can increase your blood circulation with just a few minutes of training per day, build muscle in the long term and prevent the dangers of sitting for long periods of time and thus become a smart brain user.

Problem and Goal

What’s the problem?

You feel like you don't have time to exercise. You have a jam-packed schedule and the impression that there is no room for sports or that you are too exhausted at the end of the day to do any exercise.

What’s the goal?

As a smart brain user, you want to stay healthy in mind and body and feel fit by integrating regular physical activity into your stressful everyday life with minimal time investment.


Which hack can help us to reach our goal?

Brainbodyhack „microworkouts“ oder auch „exercise snacking“

Regular physical activity makes us look and feel better.
The aging process is combated and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even cancer is reduced.

But many of us have busy schedules and feel like exercise has no place there.
We assume that we need to invest more time than we have for the training to be effective.

But over the last decade, there have been many new scientific discoveries about the effects of high-intensity interval training, better known as HIIT, pronounced “hit.”.
We learned that HIIT can provide great health benefits and significantly reduce the time of a workout.

What is interval training? Basically, these are short, very intensive training intervals, followed by recovery phases in quick alternation:

Full power, relax, full power, relax, full power…, relax

The technique can be applied to virtually any type of workout, cycling, swimming or bodyweight training such as burpees, push-ups or pull-ups.

If time is our most valuable resource and we want to get the most benefit from training in the shortest amount of time, then interval training techniques are an efficient solution.


Note: All exercises should be preceded by a proper warm-up! Not suitable if you are sick!

1. 20 Seconds Bicycle Sprint

The workout includes three 20-second all-out cycle sprints, lasting a total of 10 minutes, including a 2-minute warm-up and 3-minute cool-down, as well as 2 minutes of easy cycling for relaxation between sprints.

Compared to a group that put in five times more training effort - namely 45 minutes of continuous cycling at a moderate pace, plus the same warm-up and cool-down - the results after 12 weeks of training were remarkably similar.

2. Mountain Climbers, Push-Ups, Burpees

My own favorite interval training includes 2 rounds of:
30 seconds each mountain climbers – 30 seconds recovery – 30 seconds push-ups – 30 seconds recovery – 30 seconds burpees.
I integrate the training every day after lunch after an appropriate warm-up and vary the exercises as desired with high knees, jumping jacks and pull-ups.

Combination with Brainhack „S.M.A.R.T. Goals

The Bodyhack „microworkouts“ can easily be used the with the Brainhack „S.M.A.R.T. Goals“ and thus establish a measurable routine.

In the following the unspecific goal “I want to get fit” was reformulated with the s.m.a.r.t. questions:

What exactly do I want to achieve?
Every day I complete at least a 5 minute H.I.T. Training or alternatively I go for a walk for at least half an hour.

How can I measure it?

I will exercise every day after lunch, with a duration of at least 5 minutes and a heart rate of 140. Alternatively, I went for a walk for at least half an hour.

Why is it important to me?

The goal is very important to me: With this daily habit I can move every day. This keeps me healthy, increases my concentration and productivity and, above all, reduces my stress.

Is it feasible?

Yes, it is possible: 5 minutes H.I.T. I can do 30 minutes of walking every day, it's doable and sustainable even on stressful days or even when traveling.
In case I have a cold or sore muscles, I can always choose to go for a walk.

By when do I want to reach my goal?

I will complete the training every day at lunchtime.

Hack Rating

I have tested all hacks for time, cost and efficiency (minimal, low, medium, high, very high). Here is my personal rating for today's hack:

Time required: low

Kosten: minimal

Efficiency: high

More on the subject