Author: Maria Seltmann
Brainbodyhack “Build your perfect day”
Mit dem Brainbodyhack “Build your perfect day” können wir als smarte Gehirnbenutzer unseren Fokus auf das Zielbild unseres perfekten Tages legen, dadurch weg von Problemen hin zu Lösungen und Möglichkeiten denken und trotz der Hindernisse des Alltags, Momente des Glücks und der Sorgenfreiheit erleben. Problem und Zielsetzung Was ist das Problem? Jeder von uns strebt danach glücklich…
Brainbodyhack “Blood-Checkpoint”
Mit dem Bodyhack „Blood-Checkpoint“ können wir anhand eines Blutbildes als Checkpoint diverse Frühsymptome erkennen und so unsere Gesundheit durch die richtige Vorsorge für einen gesunden Körper und ein gesundes Gehirn präventiv unterstützen.
Brainbodyhack “Brain Fuel”
With the “Brain Fuel” body hack we can give our brain the fuel it needs to function smoothly. As smart brain users, this allows us to use our brain optimally.
Brainbodyhack „Lady Shot“
Using the Bodyhack “Lady Shot”, we can support our body and brain in hormonally demanding phases and thus reduce symptoms such as headaches, abdominal pain or depressive moods. We can act on the challenge as smart brain users.
Brainbodyhack “The Uncertainty Advantage”
The Brainhack “Uncertainty Advantage” enables us to use uncertainty to our advantage, putting our brains into discovery and problem-solving mode, thereby strengthening ourselves mentally in challenging times.
Brainbodyhack „Daily Dose of Fun“
Using the Brainhack “Fun for the Brain” you can put your brain in a positive state, strengthen your immune system and have fun at the same time by the happy hormones released.
Brainbodyhack „S.M.A.R.T. Goals“
The Brainhack “S.M.A.R.T. Goals” allows you to set brain-friendly goals and thus increase the likelihood of achieving them, developing helpful routines and becoming a smart brain user.
Brainbodyhack „Red Light“
When using the Bodyhack “Red Light”, you can create a variety of positive reactions in the body, such as increased collagen production for healthy skin or reduction of inflammation, improved regeneration and deeper sleep for a healthy brain.
Brainbodyhack „Walnut Brain“
The Brainhack “Walnut Brain” enables us to use our brain intelligently by improving our neurocognitive functions and doing good for our cholesterol and heart health.
Brainbodyhack „Produktivitäts-Prio“
Using the Brainhack “Productivity Priority” you can increase your productivity as a smart brain user and use your time efficiently and in a brain-friendly way.