Brainbodyhack “Blood-Checkpoint”

When using the Brainbodyhack „Blood-Checkpoint“ können wir anhand eines Blutbildes diverse Frühsymptome erkennen und so unsere Gesundheit durch die richtige Vorsorge für einen gesunden Körper und ein gesundes Gehirn präventiv unterstützen.

Problem and Goal

What’s the problem?

Nowadays we hear about more and more lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome or high blood pressure. Many people suffer from obesity, stress symptoms, anxiety and other physical and mental discomfort.

What’s the goal?

Du möchtest Deine Gesundheit präventiv unterstützen und verstehen, wie Du anhand eines Blutbildes als Checkpoint diverse Frühsymptome erkennst und die richtige Vorsorge für einen gesunden Körper und ein gesundes Gehirn bis ins Alter einleiten kannst.


Which hack can help us to reach our goal?

Brainbodyhack „Blood-Checkpoint“: Blutwerte sagen Dir einiges über den Körper. Über Bluttests können wir herausfinden, welche Werte nicht im optimalen Bereich liegen und wie sie dadurch diverse Probleme verursachen können. Mit einem Bluttest bekommen wir eine Momentaufnahme über den Zustand unseres Körpers, wir können Hormone, Mikronährstoffe, Vitamine und vieles mehr im Blut bestimmen und so frühzeitig einen Mangel aufdecken.

Our health care system is primarily designed to treat illnesses, especially when they are acute. This is a great achievement of modern medicine. With the right blood tests, we can do even more: we can take precautions by testing early and preventing diseases from developing.

"Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being, and not merely freedom from disease and infirmity."

World Health Organization (WHO), 1984 1

Unser Vorgehen beim „Blood-Checkpoint“ ist wie folgt: Wir messen den Stand der Stoffwechselgesundheit, können so eventuell Mängel und Risiken feststellen und diese dann je nach Ziel priorisiert adressieren.
We can link good magnesium levels to better sleep, cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides to heart health. Iron levels, vitamins B12 and B9, cortisol and thyroid levels with energy deficiency. All these values can be controlled by taking a snapshot of our blood.
Even the brain benefits from this approach:

  • Among other things, it requires a lot of biochemical energy, the ATP. And ATP production in the mitochondria works optimally through a good supply of nutrients, which we can detect in the blood.
  • The thyroid gland is also an important organ for our brain activity, because it ensures the maintenance of a normal psyche by influencing mood and behavior.
  • DHA is an important value for our brain and nervous system as well. It is a component of cell membranes in the brain and nerve cells and can help improve brain and nerve functions. EPA and DHA can also help lighten mood and relieve depression.


Here is just a list of values that can be checked in the blood, depending on your budget and priority for health prevention. The values can be determined by the family doctor – although often not all – or in an independent laboratory.

  • Complete blood count: The complete blood count determines the number and shape of the blood cells and the concentration of the red blood pigment haemoglobin 2 and differentiates the white blood cells according to their different cell types.
  • Organ values: This is where liver values such as GOT and GTP and uric acid, pancreas values , such as amylase and lipase , kidney values such as creatinine, for control for falsely elevated levels also measured cystatin C, and kidney filtration values GFR.
  • Inflammation: A slightly elevated CRP level can be an indication of chronic inflammation. In this context, ferritin can be measured as an iron storage value, because iron is essential for oxygen transport in the blood as well as for a number of important cell functions. Ferritin indicates how well the iron stores are filled. Ferritin levels can also increase with elevated CRP, they are then "falsely high", so CRP and ferritin should always be measured together.
  • Thyroid profile 3: Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can have an impact on metabolism, mood and energy levels, among other things, and can result in fatigue, poor sleep, weight gain or loss, hair loss or depression. The thyroid gland needs iron, selenium and protein, as well as iodine, which should be determined in the urine. Thyroid levels are TSH, which is produced in the pituitary gland, as well as the thyroid hormones T3 and T4.
  • Micronutrients: Micronutrients such as magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, and manganese should be measured in whole blood. Magnesium is involved in various metabolic processes in the body, a deficiency can have various effects. A zinc deficiency can reduce the formation of antibodies in the body and weaken the immune system.
  • Omega 3 Index: Der Index ist wichtig zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung von chronischen Entzündungen, Hauterkrankungen oder Herzerkrankungen, denn er misst den prozentualen Anteil der Omega3-Fettsäuren Eicosapentaen- und Docosahexaensäure im Blut, ein zu niedriger Omega-3-Index erhöht das Risiko für kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen. Ein optimaler Wert liegt zwischen 8-12%.
  • Vitamines D and B: Vitamin D deficiency can lead to decalcification of the bone and cause, among other things, muscle and bone pain as well as weakness, vitamin D status is determined by measuring 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25(OH)D for short. Holotranscobalmin is the earliest marker of B12 deficiency and indicates the biologically available vitamin B12 in the blood. Vitamin B6 has various functions, so it needs more than 100 enzymes that are involved in fat metabolism and it is necessary for the growth and production of blood cells. Folic acid plays a role in iron and vitamin B12 metabolism and is also essential for cell division and the formation of new cells.
  • Lipoprotein (a): Lipoprotein A transports fats in the blood. The value should be determined once and is important to assess the genetic risk of cardiovascular problems, such as hardening of the arteries or thrombosis.
  • Hormones and adrenal cortex: Especially as a woman, it makes sense to have the hormones estrogen, progesterone, free testosterone and DHEAS as well as cortisol measured every few years between the 19th and 21st day of the cycle. Hormonal imbalance can lead to a variety of problems.

Menschen sind Individuen und so sind auch Blutwerte individuell zu betrachten. Je nach Vorgeschichte, Symptome und auch Gesundheitsziel können auf Basis der Bluttests unterschiedliche Nährstofftherapien Sinn machen.
Doch wir alle können über den „Blood-Checkpoint“ unsere individuellen Mängel und Risiken feststellen und bedarfsgerecht präventive Schritte einleiten.

Hack Rating

I have tested all hacks for time, cost and efficiency (minimal, low, medium, high, very high). Here is my personal rating for today's hack:

Time required: low - mediumTime required: low - medium - depending on the laboratory, the blood sample itself does not take much time

Cost: medium – high – depending on budget and thus accuracy and number of blood values

Efficiency: high – very high – For me personally, regular blood tests are a good basis for efficient prevention by detecting and reducing risks.

More on the subject

Mehr zum Thema im Buch Nährstoff-Theraphie von Dr. med. Helena Orfanos Boeckel

Übersicht der Medletics Akademie über relevante Blutwerte

  1. Verfassung der Weltgesundheitsorganisation 1984, ↩︎
  2. ↩︎
  3. ↩︎