Brainbodyhack “Build your perfect day”

When using the Brainbodyhack “Build your perfect day” können wir als smarte Gehirnbenutzer unseren Fokus auf das Zielbild unseres perfekten Tages legen, dadurch weg von Problemen hin zu Lösungen und Möglichkeiten denken und trotz der Hindernisse des Alltags, Momente des Glücks und der Sorgenfreiheit erleben.

Problem and Goal

What’s the problem?

We all strive to live a happy and stress-free life, but everyday obstacles often stand in our way. Our long list of commitments and the resulting lack of time can make it much more difficult to achieve. Our challenge is to create a day that is not only productive, but above all fulfilling.

What’s the goal?

As smart brain users, we want to organize our day in such a way that our personal and professional needs are met while leaving room for health, well-being, moments of happiness and inspiration.


Which hack can help us to reach our goal?

Brainbodyhack “Build your perfect day„:

If we, as smart brain users, integrate science-based methods into our everyday lives to make conscious decisions about our daily routines, we can get much closer to our perfect day.

However, we often lack the basic prerequisites for these steps:

Because before we create our perfect day, we first have to define what is important to us. Many people don't even know what it is that they really want.

Let's try this: let's take our calendar and fill it fictitiously with everything we would like to do on our perfect day. If we find this difficult, then we may not really have a concrete idea of what exactly makes us happy. We probably know pretty well what we don't want, but have never asked ourselves the question about the specific activities and experiences on our perfect day.

A perfect day is often less a question of extraordinary events and more about consciously appreciating the little things in life. Happiness research has shown that small daily moments of happiness contribute to greater life satisfaction in the long term than large, rare events.

"If life contains a lot of what you consider important, you are happy."

National Geographics 1

By being clear about our values and goals, we can focus our attention on the opportunities that the day offers us and thus take one more step towards our dream day every day. Why does this work from a neurological perspective? Defining exactly what we want is an important basis for the brain to support us in achieving our goals. This is because the so-called RAS, the reticular activating system, a network in the brain stem, acts as a sorting system. It constantly searches for information that matches our existing beliefs and convictions. In terms of achieving goals, this means that the more clearly we know what exactly we want, the more our brain will help us to find it. If we define goals clearly, the RAS can filter out the information that is important for achieving them.

Some questions about our most important values and dreams for the future, as well as the "do-as-if" approach, can be used as a guide here:


1. Ask yourself questions

Our brain loves questions! So it will also find answers to questions that we ask ourselves in order to design our perfect day. So think about your future and ask yourself: "What will I do on my perfect day? How would I design it?".

  • When do I get up?
  • Where do I live?
  • What does my house / apartment look like?
  • How do I feel throughout the day?
  • What do I do at work and do I work at all?
  • What are my relationships like? Do I have a partner, family, friends, etc.?
  • What exactly do I do? What are my activities throughout the day? How do they fit in with my values?

When I did this exercise for the first time, my answers looked something like this - reproduced here in slightly abbreviated form:

When and where do I wake up?I get up early so I have enough time for myself before work. I get up feeling rested and full of energy and anticipation.
Where do I live?I live in a house or apartment by the water with a garden and nature in a warm and sunny environment.
What does my house / apartment look like?I have plenty of space for my coaching office, a creative area and space for sporting activities.
How do I feel throughout the day?Kreativ, autonom, inspiriert, wert- und Sinn stiftend, wertvoll, sicher, frei
What do I do at work and do I work at all?I work creatively and with inspiring people, I organize my time freely and have a network of great mentors.
What are my relationships like? Do I have a partner, family, friends, etc.?I have a close, trusting connection with my life partner, my friends and parents and I am at peace with my family.
What are my values?My values are (brain) health, autonomy, creativity and inspiration and personal growth.
What exactly do I do? What are my activities throughout the day? How do they fit in with my values?I prioritize my brain health and integrate brainbodyhacks, eat healthy and delicious food, enjoy exercise, autonomously schedule my time, I am creative in creating blog posts, writing e-books and creating videos on the subject of brain and body health. I learn every day and pass on my knowledge. In doing so, I help people become smart brain users.

2. Pretend

Once you have found the answers to the above questions, you can distribute the activities mentioned there in your perfect day. You can take a calendar and "pretend": divide up your day and enter the activities accordingly with appointment blockers.

Here is an example of my approximate "Build your perfect day" calendar: “Build your perfect day„-Kalenders:

In the morningBrainfood and exercise: Get up early, have a short protein-rich breakfast and "Omega 3 Booster", go for a walk outside and listen to audio books on neurology and brain health. Alternatively, go on the treadmill, watch educational videos or a "Daily Dose of Fun" and radiation with red light.

Writing and productivity: Draft blog posts, prepare coaching sessions, script videos or other meaningful work to be productive early in the day and pay attention to your goals and values
Mid-morningProductivity, creativity & inspiration: More productive work and working through priorities, interacting with inspiring people, taking breaks and "box-breathing"
At noonBreak Good Brainfuel, Visualisation, "Happy Brainwaves" with musik, microworkouts
AfternoonCreativity & inspiration: lots of creative work, reading, meetings with inspiring people

Reflection and preparation for the next day with "s.m.a.r.t.e Goals"
In the eveningExercise-Snacking, healthy and delicious dinner Brainfuel, "Magnesium Calm", Slow Down reading, movie

Ich bin ein analytischer Mensch und bevorzuge wissenschaftliche Erklärung für angepriesene Methoden. Nachdem ich die neurologischen Hintergründe der klaren Zielsetzung verstanden hatte, konnte ich sehr konkret damit arbeiten. Und es ist teilweise erstaunlich, was passiert, wenn man erst einmal Klarheit darüber hat, wie das eigene Traumleben ausschauen soll. Ich habe – trotz einer sehr schwierigen Phase in meinem Leben – so viele neue inspirierende Menschen kennengelernt, habe auf einmal Dinge geschafft, die ich früher für unmöglich gehalten hätte und staune im Moment fast täglich, was das Leben an Geschenken bereit hält. Natürlich hat die Methode ihre realen Grenzen und es geschehen keine Wunder, jedoch ist die „magnetische“ Wirkung eines attraktiven Zielbildes nicht zu unterschätzen.

Hack Rating

I have tested all hacks for time, cost and efficiency (minimal, low, medium, high, very high). Here is my personal rating for today's hack:

Time required: low - medium - The exercise can be done again and again and the perfect day can be adapted, life changes and so do your goals.

cost: low – Designing your own perfect day costs you nothing.

Efficient – high – very high – Here I was actually very surprised by the impact of the vision and clear objectives.


  1. Happiness and Health
  2. Building your best day for healthy brain aging-The neuroprotective effects of optimal time use
  3. The Neuroscience of Motivation: The Brain’s Role in Achieving Goals
  4. The Neuroscience of Goals and Behavior Change
  1. ↩︎